COVID-19 Update Page

Operating In A COVID Secure Environment

We Take Your Safety Seriously and Have Adapted Our Way of Practise During the Lockdown

 We would like to reassure our patients that the following measures are in place to ensure the safety of our patients and practitioner.

We have implemented social distancing practices within the clinic as per government guidelines. With this in mind, we ask that only visitors of the clinic receiving a consultation, treatment or health assessment attend the clinic. Where possible we will be limiting the use of our waiting areas.
Individuals requiring care support are requested to please let us know prior to attending and we will of course facilitate this.

Patients will be required to wear a face mask when in the clinic and are encouraged to arrive with their own clean face mask. If there is any concern that the face mask might be contaminated we are able to provide a clean face mask for you. 

According to recent guidelines it is recommended that visitors to the clinic do not wear gloves but will be asked to hand sanitise prior to entering the clinic. The reason for this is that data suggests good hand hygiene practice plays a bigger role in prevention of infection. 

Your practitioner is subject to performing daily screening protocols for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. 

The St Albans Therapy Clinic would like to respectfully request any patients or other visitors NOT to attend the clinic if you or anyone in your household is showing any symptoms of Covid-19 or has been in contact with a confirmed case. Instead, you should isolate yourself at home and follow current NHS and govern ment guidelines.
While efforts to contain influenza and COVID-19 continue to evolve, the St Albans Therapy Clinic will be taking the following steps to reduce transmission and get you well and back moving again:

Rescheduling Appointments


1.) Patients that have a fever, cough, cold, sore throat, difficulty breathing or any related illness WILL be asked to reschedule or NOT book an appointment. 


If you are experiencing breathing difficulties or easily short of breath which is new to you, you must call the emergency health services 999 (not 111).

Please be aware that if the practitioner should full ill, the clinic will have to be closed for 7 to 14 days. 

2.) If you have been in direct contact with anyone who could be infected OR if you or someone you have been in contact with or has returned from any affected country in the past 14 days, please reschedule your appointment. 

3.) The government is advising those who are at an increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19) to be particularly careful and will need to follow individual social distancing measures. 

Thank you for your understanding

Cleaning and Disinfecting Modifications

1.) Treatment tables, table tops, chairs, treatment equipment, wipe-able pillow covers, door handles, light switches are wiped down with approved virus and bacteria killing products between each client and throughout the day. 

2.) Paper rolls ONLY will be used on the massage table (no massage fabric couch covers will be used).

3.) Each client will be given a new, washed and cleaned massage towel. Please be reassured that towels will not be reused until they are rewashed.

4.) All clients are now asked to wash THEIR hands with antibacterial hand wash prior to their treatment and entering the treatment room. Please wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.

5.) Your practitioner does and will clean their hands with antibacterial hand wash regularly i.e. after every client, before treating/ touching clients and after touching any surfaces.

6.) Alcohol based sanitiser and wipes have been placed in the clinic for patients to use.
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