Blog Post

The Click in Joints 

  • by Joanna Blair
  • 02 Dec, 2018

Why, What Happens and Physiological Theories

It is a common phenomenon for individuals to voice their concerns when they unexpectedly experience a spontaneous audible release described as a 'click' or 'pop' within their joints whilst performing every day living activities and not understand why.  Hopefully, the following will give a better comprehension as to what happens when we do hear the surprising noises within our joints and why they occur. 

An articular release can occur with or without an accompanying noise and in general, the occurrence helps increase the distance between articular joint surfaces to free joint motion and release joint tension (12).  It is worth noting that not all noise from a joint resembles an articular release (12). 

Difference Between Joint Manipulation and Mobilisation 

Manipulation and spinal manipulation of joints has been used by manual therapists for over 2000 years and even recorded since Hippocrates (a Greek physician) in 400 BC (4, 11). The audible 'click' is termed a high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust or high velocity thrust (HVT) which involves a small amplitude thrust to produce a joint cavitation (9).

Joint and spinal manipulation and mobilisation are two techniques that are commonly used by osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists to treat joint pain and dysfunction.Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) via mobilisation and manipulation techniques are also commonly used for the treatment of lower back pain and dysfunction (15).

Mobilisation involves passive rhythmic and repetitive movements in a range of motion against a 'restrictive barrier' within stiff joints  (9, 15). It is a gentle technique, using passive range of motion that is commonly used as an extension of testing of either a single joint or a group of spinal segments (9). The techniques should be performed at low velocities, where the force and amplitude used is controlled (15). 

Theories For What Causes Joint Crepitus or an Audible Click

During spinal manipulation, the audible 'pop' that occurs during manipulation is caused by a cavitation mechanism within the synovial fluid of joints which happens with separation (gapping) of either facet surfaces of the zygapophyseal (spine) joints in the spine or articular joint surfaces (of peripheral joints) (figure 1)(8, 12). 

Cavitation is the term used to describe the formation of vapor and gas bubbles (also known as cavities) within (synovial) fluid through a local reduction in pressure. The reduced pressure occurs through a mixture of gas and liquid. A break in the surface of gas within the synovial fluid vaporizes, gas is released from the solution and the collapse of vapor cavities gives rise to the articular noise (12).
Spine anatomy
Facet joint anatomy
Figure 1
A 'click' or 'crack' from an articular release will not occur without joint motion and the quality of the sound will vary according to the joint type that is released or manipulated along with the freedom of motion, if any gained afterwards (12). Protapapas (2002) highlights, a joint does not have to be forcefully pushed past a barrier to create an audible release. 

Unsworth et al (1971) found that joint cavitation occurence is dependent on joint space. The larger the joint space e.g. the hip, the less likely that the joint will pop, just as the smaller the joint space, the more likely it is that the articular release will be audible, e.g. the finger (12).
A click is not required for a manipulation to be perceived successful. Many clinicians and patients can get carried away with the notion that joint manipulation can only be considered successful if an audible 'pop' is clearly heard during the thrust phase of manipulation (11). 

Theories for Physiological Effects of the HVLAT  - What The Science Says

It has been proposed that SMT can have a number of therapeutic effects including the stretching of thickened soft tissue, improving the range of motion and reduce oedema around joints (14). Much research has investigated the effect of HVLAT on reducing pain levels and the mechanisms by which these effects are achieved are not yet fully understood with a large number of possible theories suggested (15).

According to Fryer et al., (2009), it is suggested that manipulation and mobilisation can have a significant effect of increasing the threshold of pain when compared to a control group. This is controversial compared to other studies which otherwise failed to show a significant decrease in pain following spinal manipulation (15).  

It has been suggested that peripheral joint manipulation increases the levels of serotonin (5-HT) which acts on the spinal 5-HT1A (serotonin 1A receptor) to produce antihyperalgesia (reduce pain)(13).  Avila-Rojas et al., (2015) also suggest that 5-HT5A receptors reduce pain processing in the spinal cord as 5-HT and 5-CT (serotonin neurotransmitters) and reduce neuropathic pain through the activation of 5-HT5A and 5-HT1A/1B/1D receptors.

Previous evidence from studies supports the notion that hypoalgesia (a reduction in pain) has been observed following spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) by activating the descending pathways in the brain inhibitory systems, mediated via the midbrain dorsal periaqueductal grey region (dPAG) (figure 1) (15).
Figure 1
The Significance of the Periaqueductal Gray (PAG) (or Central Gray)

Descending pathways influence pain perception. The periaqueductalgray (PAG) matter (Figure 1) is part of the brain which when stimulated produces profound analgesia via the descending PAG pathways. Stimulation of the dorsal PAG (dPAG) in the brain selectively reduces pain to mechano-nociception (perceived pain during movement), whereas temperature nociception is modulated via the ventral PAG (vPAG) (12).

Scientists' fascination of the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and its relation to pain first started in 1969 when it was reported that electrical stimulation of the midbrain (PAG) produced 'profound' analgesia in the male rat (9).

The periaqueductal gray (PAG) is divided into four longitudinal columns; ventrolateral (vlPAG) lateral (lPAG), dorsolateral (dlPAG), dorsomedial (dmPAG) and is postulated to have an affect on behavioural control. It is the primary control centre for descending pain modulation and has enkephalin producing cells, a pentapeptide that regulates nociception in the body, and helps to suppresses pain (10).

Sterling et al. (2001)  measured changes in pain and sympathetic outflow by comparing a C5/6 HVLAT to a sham manipulation (via manual contact but with no movement). The authors demonstrated HVLAT produced mechanical hypoalgesia measured by an increase in pain pressure threshold and increased sympathetic outflow, reduced blood flow, decreased skin temperature, and increased skin conductance. 

However, there was no alteration to thermal pain thresholds. The selective mechanical anti-nociception and sympathoexcitation supports the theory that the mechanism of effect is due to the activation of the dPAG descending pain mechanism (11). 

Vincenzino et al. (1998) conducted similar experiments on subjects with epicondylitis and showed again that cervical spine HVLAT lead to selective analgesia to mechanical stimulus and sympatho-excitation, adding further weight to the argument that spinal manipulation may influence the perception of pain by activation of the descending dPAG (12).

Skyba et al., (2009) suggests that joint manipulation activates the lateral periaqueductal gray (lPAG), glutamate excitation of the lateral PAG produces non-opioid analgesia, sympathetic excitation and motor facilitation. Stimulation of the PAG or RVM also increases the release of 5-HT (mentioned above) and nonadrenaline along the spine and electrical stimulation of the descending inhibitory pathways exerts inhibitory effects on dorsal horn neurons and produces antinociception (13). 

HVT and Stretch Reflex

Clark et al., (2011) found  that a single spinal manipulation does not alter corticospinal or stretch reflex excitability (muscle contraction in response to stretching ) of the erector spinae muscles in patients with chronic lower back pain when assessed 10-minutes following manipulation. They did find, however, that participants exhibiting an audible response exhibited a significant reduction (by 19.2%) in the stretch reflex compared to when spinal manipulation did not cause an audible joint sound with a 9.7% increase (4).

HVLAT & The Release of Endorphins Theory

It has been suggested that plasmaβ-endorphin is derived from pituitary gland secretion and depends on central hypothalamic activation in the brain. Several neurotransmitters are important in pain sensation.
Substance P has been widely studied and is released in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord by C fibres which is needed for the central transmission of nociceptive input (11). It is thought that β-endorphins exert their anti-nociceptive influence by reducing the effectiveness of substance P in the dorsal horn and decrease afferent nociceptive input to higher centres (13). 

Various studies have investigated whether a reduction in pain (hypoalgesia) following spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) involves the release of endorphins. Vernon et al., (1986) researched this theory by measuring plasma b-endorphin levels in 21 subjects following a cervical spine HVLAT. Only the HVLAT group found a small but statistical increase in plasma 𝛽-endorphin levels in the experimental group. 

However, subsequent studies into theβ-endorphin system failed to show any significant effect. Two subsequent studies demonstrated findings contradicting those of Vernon et al. (1986) by Christian et al. (2) and Sanders et al. (12) and both failed to find increases in plasma β-endorphin concentrations in experimental groups with respect to sham and control groups following spinal manipulation (18). 


1. Avila-Rojas, S. H., Velázquez-Lagunas, I., Salinas-Abarca, A. B., Barragán-Iglesias, P., Pineda-Farias, J. B., Granados-Soto V. (2015) Role of spinal 5-HT5A, and 5-HT1A/1B/1D, Receptors in Neuropathic Pain Induced by Spinal Nerve Ligation in rats, 5; 1622: 377-85.

2 Christian, G. H., Stanton, G. J., Sissons, D., How, H. Y., Jamison, J., Alder, B. (1988) Immunoreactive ACTH, β-endorphin and cortisol levels in plasma following spinal manipulative therapy. Spine; 13:141–7.
4. Curtis, P. (1983) Spinal manipulation: does it work? Occupational Med: State of the Art Reviews; 3: 31-44.
7. Evans, D. W. (2002) Mechanisms and Effects of Spinal High Velocity, Low Amplitude Thrust Manipulation: Previous Theories, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 25; 4: pp. 251-258.
8. Fryer, G., Carub, J., McIver, S. (2004) The Effect of Manpulation and Mobilisation on Pressure Pain Thresholds in the Thoracic Spine, IJOM, 7; 1: 8-14. 

9. Loyd, D. R., Morgan, M. M., Murphy, A. Z. (2008) Sexually Dimorphic Activation of the Periaqueductal Gray–Rostral Ventromedial Medullary Circuit During the Development of Tolerance to Morphine in the Rat,  Eur J Neuroscience; 27(6): 1517.

10. Potter, L., McCarthy, C., Oldham, J. (2005) Physiological Effects of Spinal Manipulation: A Review of Proposed Theories, Physical Therapy Reviews; 10: 163-170. 
12. Sanders, G. E., Reinert, O., Tepe, R. and Maloney, P. (1990) “Chiropractic Adjustive Manipulation on Subjects with Acute Low Back Pain: Visual Analog Pain Scores and Plasma 𝛽-endorphin Levels,” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 391–395.
14. Sterling M, Jull G, Wright A. (2001) Cervical mobilisation: concurrent effects on pain, sympathetic nervous system activity and motor activity. Manual Therapy; 6:72–81.
16. Thomson, O., Haig, L., Mansfield, H (2009) The Effects of High-velocity Low-Amplitude Thrust Manipulation and Mobilisation Techniques on Pressure Pain Threshold in the Lumbar Spine,International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine: 56–62.
18. Vernon, H. T., Dhami, M. S., Howley, T. P., Annett, R. (1986) Spinal Manipulation and B-Endorphin: a Controlled Study of the Effect of a Spinal Manipulation on Plasma B-Endorphin Levels in Normal Males. J Manipulative Physiol Ther; 9:115–23.

19. Vigotsky, A. D. and Bruhns, R. P. (2015)The Role of Descending Modulation in Manual Therapy and Its Analgesic Implications: A Narrative Review, Pain Research and Treatment, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.

20. Vincenzino. B., Collins. D., Wright, A. (1998) An investigation of the Interrelationship Between Manipulative Therapy Induced Hypoalgesia and Sympathoexcitation. J Manipul Physiol Therap; 21:448–53.
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